fawnar’s Basic Natal Chart


Welcome to fawnar., magical services of design, curation and organisation.

fawnar.’ is a Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising run by Monique, a Virgo Sun and Moon with Leo Rising.

Let’s take a peek into fawnar’s natal chart…

Taurus rules love & money, a perfect culmination of passion and wealth for fawnar. A Taurus Sun has consciousness enlightened by productivity, and is guided by Taurus’ ruling planet Venus (ohhhhh, loveeeee).

A Cancer Moon is emotional and home centred, a hidden part that is known strongly to the core, a Cancer Moon has an intuition guided by the heart. With Cancer’s ruling planet as the Moon, sensitivity and empathy will be enhanced. Soft, nurturing and romantic on the inside, tough and protective on the outside.

The first opinion of a Sagittarius rising is optimistic and truth seeking, as if you were judging a National Park book by its cover. When known further they are independent and free, caring deeply for humanitarian issues. Luck is found in travel for those with Sagittarius Risings.

So to recap, fawnar. is loving, finds value in all areas of life, is productive, home centred, intuitive, empathic, nurturing (always here to chat!), a love and money magnet (let’s hope, thanks Taurus Sun and Cancer Moon), optimistic, free and compassionate.

Do you know your Sun, Moon and Rising sign? I’d love to know, send me a message on Insta @byfawnar!

love fawnar. x


Brave Hearted Lover